Thursday, January 05, 2006



Our cleaner's been on holiday (fair enough!), so there's been a mountain of ironing growing. Added to that, my Mum's coming to stay tonight (to be joined by my Dad tomorrow), and the ironing was in the spare room. So, as Moo was very tired last night, I sent her to bed immediately after supper and West Wing episode and stayed up, clearing up the spare room a bit, fitting another child-lock to one of the kitchen cupboards, and doing lots of ironing. Luckily, I can iron and watch a DVD (sometimes using the rewind button, obviously), so I watched The Negotiator, which is an excellent film. Samuel L. "We are not worthy" Jackson, Kevin Spacey, "Leo" from The West Wing and "Brass" from CSI:Miami, so lots of familiar faces. Good plot, keeps moving, exciting. Kept me up too late, but hey.

Lunch with Si at The Wrestlers, an _excellent_ pub. I had a pint of Broadside (well, nearly a pint, as I didn't finish it), and a green chicken curry. Hot, and yum! Popped into PC World afterwards. I know, I know, but their bargain basement can be very good value, and I picked up a half-decent scanner for under 30 quid. Nice to have, as we didn't have one before.

Music today

Hey - I did your logs and your coal, didn't I?
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