Sunday, January 08, 2006


Baby excretions and Dapper Drake

However much you may try to avoid it, you have to spend a good deal of your time as a new parent discussing baby wee and baby poo. And vomit, probably. Jo has been providing us with lots and lots of poo recently. It's really astonishing. This led to the following exchange with Moo after Jo had gone to bed tonight: How your world changes when you're a parent.

Speaking of parents, mine left after lunch. We had a lovely time with them, and they enjoyed spending time with Jo (and hopefully us, too). I went with Dad and Jo to Long Melford church for communion. Jo was made very welcome, and we had a good time. There's an excellent organ, coupled with an excellent organist, so we had a good voluntary at the end. A line I noticed in one of the hymns suggested that as well as love being a worthy offering for God, so is truth. I liked this. There's something about standing up for what's true and right which works for me, and I need to have more of a think about this.

I've decided to try the latest Ubuntu release (well, pre-release, anyway): Dapper Drake. It's currently on my desktop machine, and we'll see how it goes before trying it on my laptop, which I really need to work pretty much all the time. So far it's going OK, though I'm having the odd problem, which is to be expected with a pre-release. Problems I've noticed so far:

Nothing major, and I'm thinking about whether to install it on my laptop. I'm going to go through the Ubuntu bugzilla entries and see what else comes up. There are good reasons for going with it on my laptop, as there are some issues with USB that I've not ever managed to work properly on it yet which might be fixed in Dapper.

The NVidia binary drivers are not supported on X.Org 7.0 which is what is in Dapper. I have a problem with them as well (can't get anything other than 60Hz refresh). Using the nv driver works OK but no GL. Will have to wait for NVidia to sort their lives out.
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