Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Google AdSense

Well, as you'll see above this post, I've decided to sign up for Google AdSense. This should provide links to advertisements that are of interest to people who read this, because they supposedly do some clever things to check what I write about, and find appropriate ads. Why have I done this? Well, there's the money, I guess, and although I don't think there will be much of it, every little helps. I don't feel that the "filthy lucre" argument counts against it, and I can always remove it if I get uncomfortable about it. I don't think that it looks too obtrusive, and the colours are chosen to match the blog template. I'm also really quite interested to find out what they end up sending as ads, I have to say. Linux stuff? Theology stuff? Baby stuff? Parenting stuff? Geek toy stuff? Security stuff? We'll find out once the registration's complete, which takes a while, apparently. I don't get anything for clicks now.

I believe the way it works is by click-throughs (clicks-through?): I get a (probably small) amount of money for every time someone clicks on an ad. So, if anything catches your eye as interesting, go for it. I won't encourage you to click on stuff randomly, as that breaks the AdSense agreement!

What else is going on? Well, today is my last day in work before the New Year, although I'm actually on 24 hour support over the New Year for 3 days. Don't have to go in, though. I was expecting today to be quite quiet, but a couple of annoying bits and pieces came up, so that's kept me at least a little busy.

Jo didn't sleep all the way through, but she only woke once (at around 0200), and went back down very quickly. Then 0540 or so, which isn't too bad. What am I saying? That's awful, or at least, I would have said that only a year ago. How parenthood changes you.

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