Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Creationism, torture

These are two issues that I want to address, and to address from a Christian point of view. I've talked before in this blog about creationism, but the Blogs4God site has a highlight on torture today which has riled me a little. There's a link to an article by Charles Krauthammer which has the astonishing line about whether it's permissible to torture terrorists in certain circumstances: "Not only is it permissible to hang this miscreant by his thumbs. It is a moral duty." I _will_ address this question. I have qualms, God help me, about torture, and whether it is ever permissible, but this article has helped me.


I certainly hope you didn't let Krauthammer (or rather, the drivel he writes) get your blood worked up to a boil. I can think of few human beings who merit less serious attention than this clown (even his fellow neoconservative warlovers are beginning to distance themselves from his extreme positions on issues). At any rate, it only takes a little bit of logical thinking to thoroughly explode Chuckie's nonsensical ramblings, so my recommendation is to hunt for more worthwhile editorial game on which to focus.

Merry Christmas to you and the family!
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