Friday, December 23, 2005


Connectivity problems

The hordes arrive

(I'm backposting: was ...Issues getting online, so apologies for lack of posting for a while.) Note: just seen my first two Google Adsense adverts. One is for a teen blogging site (what?), the other for maternity wear, and looks to be a very cool site, seraphine. I suspect that I'm not supposed to link like this, so I won't do it often, but it's an interesting choice of site, and seems to have some lovely bits and pieces on it.

Today Jim and Nina turned up, and Carol, Lee's mum, didn't. She was due to come around, but doesn't like driving in the dark, and as it happened she was delayed, so postponed till Saturday. The big nightmare today was trying to fix Dad's ADSL. Lee had been trying to send a very important file yesterday, and hadn't been able to. Today I tried to set up Dad's ADSL connection to work for all users on the system (I have a working account on the system). Unluckily, this required me to enter the original password, and seemed to lose the original one. And I didn't know it.

Neither, it transpired, did I know the main password for his account that would allow me to reset it. Bugger. Lee's file that needed to be sent was over 1.5 Meg, and the only way we could think of doing it was via my 3G phone (luckily I had some spare bandwidth to use up by the end of the month). Not that Winscombe seems to have Orange 3G reception. Or Axbridge. Or Cheddar. And no joy war-driving. So Lee and I drove to Wells, where they do have Orange 3G. I sent an email to Dad via my phone asking for details of his actual password. Whoops.

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