Monday, November 07, 2005
tired again
Not feeling very well today: partly because I'm rather tired. In fact, though it took Jo a long time to go to sleep properly, Moo took her into the spare room for the night (after she woke around 11pm), and slept very well with her. I should, therefore, have slept very well, too, but don't seem to have done. Weird dreams, which I could half remember on waking.Spent some of the afternoon at work coding Java, which I enjoy, but having to do GUI work, which I detest. I'll do some more tomorrow, and I'm sure it'll turn out OK, but it's not a good language for GUI work unless you're willing to got to the whole Swing framework, which is very heavy-weight, and which I've never learnt (nor will I have the chance to do so in time!).
Keith, author of the blog under the acacias commented on yesterday's entry, thanking me for my comment on the story "One faith, one baptism...two wives...?". The second part is up, with an explanation of how things were resolved, and it makes for interesting reading. Recommended.
Oy, Plant - what are you doing in Berlin? :-)