Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Find x

Maybe I ought to put more pictures in this blog. It's easy enough, after all. Here's one, for a start, which made me laugh. It came with the following text in an email around work:
    I attach the illustration I mentioned: to a lawyer, it's a cogent
    demonstration of the fact that the meaning of language depends on its
    context.  To a mathematician, it's no doubt a cogent demonstration of
    something about lawyers.

Made me laugh a lot.

I'm aware that there's a copyright notice on it: I'm happy to link to the original, but don't have it, though I've had a look.

An email discussion within the company about this (revolving around what words mean) led me to one of the great papers, which I've never read: Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences - Jacques Derrida. So, I've printed it off, and will see if I get a few minutes to read it before my OT seminar in Stowmarket this evening. It actually looks fairly approachable, for Derrida.

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