Saturday, November 19, 2005
ERMC day 2
A good walk in the lovely and chilly surroundings of the Pastoral Centre which, while I think of it, is that imposing building with a large chapel-shaped edifice attached that you always wonder about as you drive past junctions 12 and 22 of the M25. The walk was with Andy, who's training for URC ministry, and it was interesting to find out how it all works in his world.
After supper, and "Community Matters" (a catch-up on bits and pieces for the course and community), there was an "Alternative Worship" session, with a music group and contemporary songs/choruses. I stuck it out for quite a long time, but felt both uncomfortable and that I was getting nothing from it, so left. I was pleased at one level, however, because I was able to see a number of people who I have high regard for as ordinands, theologians and Christians really getting into it. This suggests to me that any suspicions I might have had that this style of worship is, basically, empty, were completely ill-founded: it's just that it doesn't work for me at all. It's just something that isn't me, and that's good.