Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Congrulations to Tosha (and Nik)

Well done! A new baby bro or sis for Digi is on the way. Reading the post below, it seems that something that Tosha's been doing has forced undue pressure on Nik's back, so I feel very sorry for him...

Anyway: you'll have 2 under 2. Good luck, folks.

Jo's latest is sticking her tongue out as far as she can whenever she's concentrating. Usually she chooses the right-hand side of her mouth, and it's all a bit confusing when she wants to concentrate on something and she's tired, because when she's tired she tends to put her thumb into her mouth, and usually the right-hand side, too. We're not quite sure why she's started to do this, or whether it means that she's about to have another developmental jump forward (let's hope she doesn't learn to jump yet, please), but it's quite funny. Poor Jo: we shouldn't laugh at her. But we do.

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