Monday, November 28, 2005
Did some work on this week's Old Testament topic of the canon, including a piece by Child, which was very interesting. I'd like to see if the topic can be taken further, and have, at Holger's suggestion, ordered up a book by George Aichele called "The Control of Biblical Meaning: Canon as Semiotic Mechanism", which looks fascinating. I think that Aichele was one of the authors of "The Postmodern Bible" which I enjoyed a couple of months ago, and I'm looking forward to reading it. I doubt it'll arrive in time for me to read it before my tutorial on Thursday, but I'm expecting to write an essay on the topic, so I hope to use it to prepare for that.Though Jo is sleeping through, she's now waking consistently between 0530 and 0615. This is much better for Moo, as she doesn't need to get up. However, I was beginning to sleep through the night-time feeds/wakings again, so sleeping in was good for me (Jo sometimes slept quite late when she was waking up). Heigh-ho - can't really complain. We just need to start going to be earlier again.