Monday, October 03, 2005
Intelligent Design, Creationism...
... and other similar humiliating crap. I've talked elsewhere about my views on these theories. There's a good article on the Register today called The new Scopes Monkey trials, which reminds us why we need to continue to be worried about these people, and a fantastic letter about Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Now, I'm a firm advocate of taking a postmodern view of the world, and that means refusing to privilege any particular view over another, and believing that all viewpoints are worthy of examination, but that doesn't mean that all viewpoints are equally valid. Creationism and Intelligent Design are two such viewpoints: they just don't stand up to the tools we have, and, what's more, they posit a significantly _less_ powerful God than the one I believe in. It's lazy intellectually to go with this sort of rubbish, and God gave us our minds to use, so we should. Rant over.For the last couple of nights, Moo's slept with Jo in one bed, and I've slept on my own in the other. This is because Jo keeps half-waking-up (snuffling with a cold), and when she really does wake up, she needs Moo, not me (as she wants a feed). Sad to have to do it, but everyone seems to be getting more sleep than before, and Moo's certainly doing better on it.
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Creation by Design - an idea thought up by one bloke in the 19th century, the atheist scientists cunningly pretend that it's what all Christians believe, and - would you believe it - as a result Christians start trying to defend it.
I blame the parents.
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I blame the parents.
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