Monday, September 26, 2005


Sleep - or not

Jo was up a lot in the night, and is desparate for food, so Moo slept very badly again. I had a horrible nightmare where I knew I was dreaming, and just could wake up: at one point, I dreamt that I was shaking Moo, saying "wake me up, wake me up - I can't wake up!". So, neither of us are great today. I spoke to Jenny this morning on the way to work (stuck on the A14 waiting for the police to clear an accident), and had a bit of a chat about what we could do to help Moo, but other than Jenny giving her a call, there wasn't much. I also left a message for the health visitor to call me to see if she had any ideas.

This caused some problems. Moo was _well_ pissed off that I'd called the health visitor, as she (Moo) thought that I wanted the health visitor to call _her_ and discuss things. She felt that this was out of order. But I've learnt my lesson, and this wasn't my plan: I just wanted to talk to her myself, which I reckoned was fair, as I have an interest in both Jo's and Moo's health, too. Moo had basically refused to call her today as she said "she'll just say that I should use formula" (to which Moo is implacably opposed. This afternoon, Nicky (Nicki?) phoned back, and we had a chat. I explained the problem, and said that we're not interested in going to formula. She asked what Jo's weight-gain is like, and I said that I wasn't sure: though she's not pudgy, she's growing well, and is very active. I explained about the trick that she learnt yesterday of approaching a step whilst crawling, turning round, then backing down it (I'm so, so proud - I showed her how to do this a week or so ago, and either she's remembered, or worked it out for herself), that she's now pulling herself upright and walking round furniture, etc., and Nicky seemed astounded. Which is pretty good, from a health visitor. Anyway, she only had three suggestions:

  1. feed Jo water at night (we think that she's hungry, not just thirsty, so this may not help
  2. try "managed crying" (we're into "baby-led feeding", so this is probably out)
  3. try feeding her more during the day (we're giving her everything she'll take!)
So, we may just have to weather the storm, but it was worth asking.

At 2:30 and 4:30 in the morning? ;-)
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