Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Seminar, sleep

Life continues hard - though thanks to all for their kind words. I've got lots on - ERMC and work-wise - at the moment, and it couldn't really have come at a worse time for Moo. She's low on sleep, and has come down with a nasty cold, which Jo and I have so far pretty much avoided (though Jo had a couple of sneezy nights over the weekend). We'll weather it, and we're phoning quite a lot to keep communicating. Well, I am, but then again, it's the stuff that I'm doing that's compounding the problem. :-)

It could have been worse. Last night was my first night on-call (for 24x7), but there were no contacts, so I didn't need to get up. Less money, more sleep. At the moment, I'll take the sleep, I think.

Decided I needed to listen to some chill-out music today, so chose a double disc of Purcell which I was in the choir for in the early 80s with Deutsche Gramophon (sp?). It was an early digital recording, and still sounds so bright: fantastic music, and a brilliant recording. It's helping me maintain - or refind - my equilibrium.

Had a call this morning at 9am, so took that at home before heading into work, and managed to get a connection to our VPN at work using the marvellous vpnc. First time, it didn't connect, but gave me enough information to work out that I'd copied a password incorrectly, and after re-editing the config file, I was in. Access to both our Aarhus and Cambridge offices, so I'm really chuffed with it: good work vpnc. I've just emailed the lead developer with my thanks, as I think it's really important to give praise when you come across something really useful.

Music today

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