Friday, September 23, 2005
More support
Well, I've accepted the short straw, and will take the first support slot when we go live with customers on Monday evening/Tuesday morning. Hopefully there won't be any trouble, but who can tell? I'm off to Aarhus for a day trip on the 12th October to swap information about the companies who are using it, the software, their set-ups and all the rest. I means an early start (the plane takes off at 0745) and a late return (probably around midnight), but at least I don't need to stay away. We had a good discussion this morning on how it's all going to work, and I think we understand that, at least. Things are very busy at the moment, trying to interleave work commitments with ERMC commitments, but I'm sure it will all come out in the wash.I have another weekend at Ditchingham starting this evening, and have bought 2 copies of the Yale Songbook in the hopes that we'll find the odd half-hour (probably in the evening, with a drink in hand) to do some singing. There are some good tunes (and some terrible ones) in it, so we should have some fun. The real reason for the weekend is to focus on the collaborative aspects of ministry, and I hope that this is an area where my working life and my MBA may come in useful. We shall see. I'm also looking forward to meeting more members of our cross-year group (Group D), who I must remember to add to our mailing list.
What else? Oh, I got WPA working with Ubuntu, despite Si's complaints in his comments on yesterday's blog.