Friday, September 16, 2005


A hard night

We had a hard night: Jo kept waking up before we even went to bed, so Moo said that she'd bring Jo into our bed from the beginning (usually - but not always - she joins us between 3:30 and 5:30), to which I heartily agreed. After a few half-awakenings, she really surfaced around 3:00-3:30, and started burbling. This is fine in the proper morning (after 7:30 is best, but we can usually live with 5:30-6:00), but at 3:30, it was just too much. After a bit of it, I asked Moo if she could please try to get Jo back to sleep, as I really, really needed to get some sleep as I was going into work this morning.

This may not have been the right way to phrase it, but it's not always easy to think straight at that time in the morning. "What" (Moo asked when we got up at 7:30, in response to my "are you angry?") "did you think I'd been trying to do up to that point?" I really, really didn't mean to get narky or upset Moo, but I really needed to sleep in order to be able to drive into work. In the end, Moo took Jo into the spare room bed across hall (which she had to make up), although I offered to go into the bedroom over the other side of the house. And I slept pretty well, and woke up feeling considerably more refreshed than I would have done otherwise. Moo didn't, and wasn't.

It's a really hard balance to strike, and I think I probably got it wrong last night. There have been times when I've got up and let Moo have a sleep. Of course, I wouldn't pretend at all that looking after Jo isn't a full-time job, too - along with looking after the house. She's also a bit depressed by the fact that her car's not going to be repaired until at least Monday, which has meant that she's been rather stranded in the house for the past week. I'm looking forward to letting Moo get some sleep over the weekend, including, hopefully, while I drive to and from Jenny's in London to see the baby and family.

On top of it, as well, is the underlying concern that the fact that Jo isn't sleeping maybe means that we're bad parents, or failing her in some way. And sleep deprivation doesn't help the rational side of you, that knows that this is rubbish.

Oh - and we moved lots of the office round at work today. Just because, really.

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