Monday, September 05, 2005


And it threw it down (by "it", do you mean your father?)

Big rain this morning, thunder, lightning, the lot. First serious rain we've had a for a while, and quite a nice change. Made for interesting driving conditions, and meant that I didn't get to work as early as I'd have liked, given that I left the house rather earlier than usual. Suzy doesn't like thunder very much, and has been known to go up the stairs to my office on nights when we've had a big storm (she's shut over that side in the breakfast room, where her bed is), but she's never, ever tried to get up the stairs on the other side, to where our bedroom is: it's off-limits, she knows that, and has never pushed it. Moo phoned me this morning, however, to say that Suzy had gone up three times and had to be brought down. In the end, Moo worked it out: it wasn't just that Suzy was upset, but that she wanted to be with Jo, who was upstairs that side. She clearly felt that her fear and the rules that she's learnt, were less important than protecting the baby, which is fantastic, and very sweet.

Suzy's not so great at the moment: she's very panty, which was a symptom she was displaying before she got very ill. She doesn't seem to be having problems with abdominal distension this time, so the diuretics are working their magic, and the continence medication means that she's "leaking" less now, which is good for us and will keep her happier, but the panting is worrying. To start with, it was just in the evenings, but it's throughout the day now. She's off to see the vets on Wednesday again, who will hopefully be able to shed some light on things. It's hard not knowing how bad things are, and what we should be doing, but she seems fairly happy (now that the thunder has subsided, anyway), and not in any pain.

I'm reading an article on psychoanalytical biblical criticism (in the most excellent book The Postmodern Bible, which deals with a variety of different types of criticism which are, loosely, postmodern, including structuralist, post-structuralist, reader-response, feminist, womanist and ideological), and I'd forgotten how so much of Freud's original writing is both hugely insightful and a load of arse. More recent readings of his work take the view that his corpus should be read from a psychological viewpoint itself: i.e. that its own content should be subjected to the same critical tools that he is trying to apply to _his_ subjects, a never-ending circle, of course. This makes it more bearable, but some of the stuff he comes out with is just so far off the mark. But he gave us so much, too - a new view onto what it is to be human - and just writing him off is, in my view, very short-sighted. But you _really_ have to filter it!

First day in a new job for my brother (Jim) today: good luck (though I don't think he reads this)!

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