Monday, August 22, 2005
Jo's had a crying day today, and so Moo was quite stressed. We went out to the Cherry Tree Inn (near Knowl Green, but I'm not sure the precise address) and had a nice time out. Suzy, too, has had a "flat" day: very quiet, not doing much, and Moo's been rather worried. However, her abdomen is no longer distended, so the diuretics seem to be working. I hope that she's OK over the next few days, but I'm quite resigned to the fact that she may not last.
I'm trying to work out whether I should list this blog in a Christian blog aggregator (probably a UK one). Although I'm keen to deal with issues around Christianity, I don't want it to be a solely Christian blog. We'll see: I need to read a few more blogs and make a decision. It's fun reading other people's thoughts: particularly one's friends. I asked D whether the voice in my blog was what she expected, and the answer was "yes, only maybe a little more reflective", which is good. I'm trying to be honest to myself, but use this as an opportunity to go into a little more detail on some issues - and, indeed, to be reflective.
I registered a couple of domain names today at (the very cheap) netfirms. I'll talk about them once the DNS records have propagated: probably after I get back from the course.
Finished "Fatal Strategies" by Jean Baudrillard. Disturbing, provoking, interesting. I enjoyed it.