Monday, August 15, 2005

Suzy's home, and it's almost as if she were never ill. She was so pleased to see us at the hospital: sneezing, grinning (Newfs have this way of showing their teeth when they're happy to see you) and generally jumping around. She's on three different kinds of drugs, and won't ever be better, but every day that we get with her well, and happy, is a blessing. She could go downhill quickly and get better again with treatment, she could go downhill and not get better, or she could just die quickly. It could be while she's asleep, or while she's on a walk, but the plan is to let her live as normal a life as she can, and as she wants to. If she's happy to go for a walk, then we'll take her: if she doesn't, then we won't. We love her so much, and given that she's a rescue dog, we're grateful to be able to give her anything we can.

Carolyn was with us today on her first full day with Catherine not here all the time, and it all went well. I worked at home in case there was a problem, but there wasn't, and Carolyn coped very well indeed. I hadn't really realised how hard it is not to get up to pain for your child when they cry, but I had to let her deal with Jo when there was a problem. Jo seems to like her a lot, and we're all very happy with how it's going.

Music today

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