Saturday, August 06, 2005

Got a text message this morning from our friends James and Claudia Gray to say that they have just had a baby (though I suspect that Claudia did most of the work at this stage). 12 hours labour, 8lb 10oz, a girl born at 1145pm on 5th August (yesterday), who they're calling "Stella Marianne". Marianne was James' mother's name - she died when he was a boy. Apparently, they were planning on "Josephine" as a first name until they met us: we took it first. Sorry, folks.

I suspect that they're going to be excellent parents, though it's going to come as a bit of a shock to them, particularly James, who's trying to run a farm (yes, it's harvest time, too, so they really didn't plan things very well!). Stella was a little over a week overdue, or dead on time, depending on how you do the counting, apparently, which is pretty good for a first baby. Claudia was expecting a boy, and a big baby, but given that Jo was 9lb 8oz, we're not that impressed. (-8

So, congratulations to all - we're looking forward to seeing them once Claudia's out of hospital.

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