Friday, August 26, 2005
The review was much, much better than I expected, with some wicked (and nicely irreverent) sketches that had me in pain with laughing. Kicked over Charles' beer, but he didn't seem too upset by it, which was kind. Lulu had been making a trip into the nearest town/village during the afternoon and had kindly got me some beer (the kegs had run out a couple of days before, which was a bit of a nightmare), so I was able to offer him some, he seemed happier with (the rest of the can of) Stella.
Earlier in the day, we'd had a very good introduction to public speaking technques: voice production, etc. I was impressed, and might think about getting some lessons from the woman who gave it to find out her teaching techniques, as I've been asked for tips on a number of occasions myself. After that we shared our homilies with three of the others in the group. I was hugely impressed by Anne, who I know was rather concerned early in the week about how things would go, how she'd cope, and how her children would manage. Her kids had a good time (they were staying at the course, as were a number of others), and I think she'll do fine. Her preaching was completely without note, and was very impressive, and very wise, I thought.
Very much looking forward to going home tomorrow to see Moo, Jo and Suzy, who is apparently on good form.